A Thankful Garden!

A Thankful Garden!

All the world’s a garden, and all the men and women merely gardeners. With apologies to the Bard of Avon, that is how I prefer to think of the existence we have carved out here on this planet. As I was on my way to Costco this morning, it struck me, that although my little portion of the garden had suffered quite a few setbacks of late I had much to be thankful for. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, a holiday that increasingly and annoyingly, has become simply a preamble to Christmas, I would like to share with you, some of what I am thankful for this year.

I am continuously thankful for all that nature has to offer. I am always amazed at the wonder to be found both far and near to home. Thank you Mother Nature.

Cattails backlit by the sun on a recent walk on the Bike Path

I am thankful that my business has survived this economy. Reading daily of the many businesses that close, reminds me that I am lucky to have the customers I do, and that they are a patient and appreciative. Thank you, dear clients.

The Blue Heron crew working on the Fox 61 Backyard Makeover project.

I am thankful for the many new contacts and friends I have made this year through social media. Upon sticking my toe into the social media pool last year, I thought it much too cold to enjoy, but I was wrong. I have interacted and met with many new interesting, warm and funny people from all corners of the earth, and from many different professions. Thank you Twitter and Facebook friends.

Twitter group on the New Engalnd Garden Tweetup at Innisfree

Mostly, as you might have guessed, I am thankful for my family. I am blessed with a successful and compassionate wife, two healthy children, and very supportive parents. I would not be the person I am today, without the influence of each member of my family. Thank you family members, you are my strength.

The Family at graduation.

So in spite of the doom and gloom spread across the airways these days, I will be thankful for what I have, a Garden that produces in any soil, no matter how much rain it receives, and no matter how infrequently it is tended.

I am also thankful that you dear reader have found your way to this post. Please consider leaving a comment before you go, and share with us that which you are thankful for.

May your garden always florish!



14 thoughts on “A Thankful Garden!

  1. Scott-
    I hope you know I am your biggest fan. You have a gift for the creative and it is seen in how you design a garden or landscape to how you share it in your blog posts. This was one of your best posts yet, and that says a lot. I am thankful for you, and it is the sentiments you expressed today that make you so wonderful.

    Yours forever,

  2. What a wonderfully expressive blog article about the people and things in your life that you are grateful for .. it was a joy to read!

    Your new to my list of folks I follow on Twitter, and I’m enjoying getting to know you. Social media is great for linking up w/ folks you’d never come in contact with otherwise. Twitter makes the world seem both smaller and larger (definitely richer), all at the same time!

    Have a great Thanksgiving … make some fantastic memories!


  3. Thank you Scott for your wonderful talents of showing us and creating for us marvelous landscapes. It is a joyous thing to look out and see…in all seasons the beautiful nature of God all around us! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    1. Susan, You guys have been especially gracious towards me and my crew. You have been a joy to work with, and I am so glad you are enjoying your landscape.

      Happy Thanksgiving!


  4. scott: your positivity and humor have brightened our days since we met you on twitter. thank you for reminding us that it is often the simplest things in life that bring us the most joy.

    Annie’s Annuals & Perennials

    1. Elayne, Thank you for your very kind words. I have and continue to enjoy interacting with the many new friends I have met on Twitter. The personality you have brought to an already positive identity (Annie’s) is refreshing, and has endeared you to those of us who follow you. I’m glad you enjoyed my post, and thank you for taking the time to comment, and put a smile on my face.


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